
Wir entwickeln Strategien für neuartige immuntherapeutische Ansätze und klinisch relevante Biomarker. Wir legen die Grundlage für personalisierte Therapien.

Seminars in Translational Science

We are happy to welcome Dr. Franziska Blaeschke from the KiTZ for a talk on “Modular Pooled Knockin Screens: Reprogramming Therapeutic T Cells” at TRON!


curATalk seminar series

Our first curATime speaker of the year will be Prof. Heinz Handels who is leading the Research Department “AI in Medical Image and Signal Processing” at the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in Lübeck. He further holds the position of Director of the Institute of Medical Informatics at the University of Lübeck. With his talk about “AI in Medical Image Computing” he will give us and and our community interesting insights about the application of AI in medicine.


The registration is now open: Join the “curAHack 2025” - the curATime (Bio-) Hackathon in Mainz

2.5 days of interdisciplinary hacking, problem solving and networking - March 31  - April 2, 2025, Gutenberg Digital Hub, Mainz


Succesful cooperation with Israel is funded for another 3 years

Promising results of the first phase led to the decision of further funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Together with Prof. Yardena Samuels from the Weizmann Institute of Science, we investigate intratumoral heterogeneity in melanoma and select promising neoantigen candidates suitable for vaccine studies.


curATalk seminar series

Join us for our next curATalk by Prof. Miguel Andrade who is heading the Computational Biology and Data Mining group at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. In his seminar, Miguel will talk about “Computational approaches for the prediction of gene and protein function”.


curATalk seminar series

Our next curATalk will take place on Nov 26th. Our speaker will be Prof. Martin Zörnig from the ForTra gGmbH für Forschungstransfer der Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung. In his talk “Introducing ForTra - Promoting the translation of medical research results into clinical application”, he will present ForTra’s funding opportunities to curATime members and everyone who is interested.


Seminars in Translational Science

Our next invited speaker will be Prof. Dr Rajkumar Savai from the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. He is going to join us at TRON on November 21st, 2024. We are looking forward to his talk “Neighbourhood watch in lung cancer: How immune cells and microenvironment interactions shape tumor outcome” and to exchange our scientific insights.


curATalk seminar series

We are looking forward to our next on-site curATalk, which will be held on Nov 6th by Bernd Engelmann from the University Hospital Munich at the Ludwigs-Maximilians University. He will speak about his research on “Immune cell specificity of immunothrombosis control”.


curATalk seminar series

Please join our next curATalk on the topic “Sex differences in coronary artery disease” by Dr. Lena Seegers from the University Clinic Frankfurt on October 31st at 5 PM.


curATalk seminar series

We are looking forward to our next on-site curATalks, which will be held on October 2nd. This time we welcome Prof. Laura Zelaráyan-Behrend and Dr. Florian A. Weinberger to Mainz. Laura and Florian will tell us about "Restoration of endogenous transcription factor activity by CRISPRa to prevent cardiac failure” and “Pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes for cardiac repair - pharmacological considerations”, respectively.


New research collaboration with bYoRNA SAS

The collaboration will focus on the production of mRNA using bYoRNA’s disruptive bioproduction technology to help develop the therapeutic potential of mRNA.


Spektakuläre archäologische Funde aus der Römerzeit auf unserem Baufeld

Nicht nur Straßen und Fußbodenheizungen, sondern auch eine Genius Statue, ein Grab mit Grabstele, hunderte von Münzen, Tonscherben, Tierknochen und sogar Fensterglas sind bisher auf unserem Baufeld in der Mainzer Oberstadt geborgen worden.


Mainzer Firmenlauf 2024 - unser TRON-Team war wieder dabei!

In diesem Jahr hat sich das TRON Laufteam mit 36 Läufern auf die 5km lange Strecke durch die Mainzer Innenstadt gemacht. Ein Team, das zusammen läuft, gewinnt zusammen!


ATLAS PhD program: 3rd Call for Application is now open!

The Talent Academy for TransLAtional Science (ATLAS) is offering five fully funded PhD positions in the fields of tumor biology, immunotherapy and bioinformatics.


Im Gespräch mit biomindz zur Geschichte des TRON

In Mainz entstehen wegweisende Innovationen im Bereich Life Sciences. Wir sind ein stolzer Teil davon und freuen uns sehr, dass wir uns jetzt in einem exklusiven und persönlichen Storytelling-Format der biomindz vorstellen können.


„Mensch und Wachstum“ auf dem Gutenbergplatz in Mainz

Mitten in Mainz finden am Wochenende des 07. & 08. September spannende und anschauliche Experimente und Aktionen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern statt.


Neues von der Baustelle – hoher Besuch aus Politik und Forschung

Mainz soll ein innovativer Biotechnologie-Standort werden – und wir sind Teil davon.


In den Sommerferien im Labor

In der Woche vom 15.07.-19.07.2024 waren Oberstufenschüler:innen bei uns am TRON, um erste Laboreindrücke zu bekommen.


Wir sind Teil der Biotechnologie-Initiative Rheinland-Pfalz!

Ein aktueller Imagefilm des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz und der Landeshauptstadt Mainz zeigt auf, welche Stärken und Perspektiven der Standort für Unternehmen, Start-ups und Forschende bietet.


Seminars in Translational Science

We are looking forward to the visit of Dr Hien T. Dang from the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia to TRON on June 26th, 2024. While being here, Hien will present her research and will talk about “Small but mighty: How small changes can alter a cancer cell progression”.


TRON's contribution to Curious2024 - ATLAS-PhD-Workshop - Working with Pioneers

We are eagerly awaiting the Curious2024 Future Insight Conference on July 10th and 11th, 2024 at Rheingoldhalle Mainz. Together with BioNTech, we are organizing a workshop to present our PhD program ATLAS to interested young scientists.


Seminars in Translational Science

On June 12th 2024, we are welcoming Prof Dr Véronique Orian-Rousseau from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to TRON. During her visit, she will talk about “The different facets of CD44 in gastrointestinal tumour progression and metastasis”.


curATalk seminar series

We are loking forward to our first on-site curATalk, which will be held by Prof. Alice Assinger from the Medical University in Vienna. Join us, if like to listen to her seminar about "Platelets in Infection: A Battle of Wits " on June 13th, at 5:15 pm.


Meenzer Science Schoppe - wir sind dabei!

Die Mainzer Wissenschaftsallianz beschäftigt sich dieses Jahr mit dem Thema “Mensch und Wachstum”. Um dieses einem breiten Publikum in Mainz vorzustellen, gibt es die Vortragsreihe “Meenzer Science-Schoppe”. Mit dem Beitrag über Krebs”wachstum” und Metastasierung teilt Boris Strilic am 15.05.2024 im Weinhaus Michel sein Wissen.


TRON sponsors the 21st CIMT Annual Meeting

We are excited to support Europe's leading communications and networking platform for cancer immunology! 66 TRON Scientists will attend the three days meeting in Rheingoldhalle in Mainz. We are very much looking forward to fruitful discussions and exchange!
