
We are laying the foundations for personalized therapies by developing strategies for novel immunotherapeutic approaches or clinically relevant biomarkers.

In den Sommerferien im Labor

In der Woche vom 15.07.-19.07.2024 waren Oberstufenschüler:innen bei uns am TRON, um erste Laboreindrücke zu bekommen.

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Wir sind Teil der Biotechnologie-Initiative Rheinland-Pfalz!

Ein aktueller Imagefilm des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz und der Landeshauptstadt Mainz zeigt auf, welche Stärken und Perspektiven der Standort für Unternehmen, Start-ups und Forschende bietet.

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Seminars in Translational Science

We are looking forward to the visit of Dr Hien T. Dang from the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia to TRON on June 26th, 2024. While being here, Hien will present her research and will talk about “Small but mighty: How small changes can alter a cancer cell progression”.

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TRON's contribution to Curious2024 - ATLAS-PhD-Workshop - Working with Pioneers

We are eagerly awaiting the Curious2024 Future Insight Conference on July 10th and 11th, 2024 at Rheingoldhalle Mainz. Together with BioNTech, we are organizing a workshop to present our PhD program ATLAS to interested young scientists.

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Seminars in Translational Science

On June 12th 2024, we are welcoming Prof Dr Véronique Orian-Rousseau from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to TRON. During her visit, she will talk about “The different facets of CD44 in gastrointestinal tumour progression and metastasis”.

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curATalk seminar series

We are loking forward to our first on-site curATalk, which will be held by Prof. Alice Assinger from the Medical University in Vienna. Join us, if like to listen to her seminar about "Platelets in Infection: A Battle of Wits " on June 13th, at 5:15 pm.

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Meenzer Science Schoppe - wir sind dabei!

Die Mainzer Wissenschaftsallianz beschäftigt sich dieses Jahr mit dem Thema “Mensch und Wachstum”. Um dieses einem breiten Publikum in Mainz vorzustellen, gibt es die Vortragsreihe “Meenzer Science-Schoppe”. Mit dem Beitrag über Krebs”wachstum” und Metastasierung teilt Boris Strilic am 15.05.2024 im Weinhaus Michel sein Wissen.

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TRON sponsors the 21st CIMT Annual Meeting

We are excited to support Europe's leading communications and networking platform for cancer immunology! 66 TRON Scientists will attend the three days meeting in Rheingoldhalle in Mainz. We are very much looking forward to fruitful discussions and exchange!

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Joining forces against cancer

As an outcome of a longstanding collaboration with the Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, promising results for the treatment of radioresistant tumors have been published.

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curATalk seminar series

We are looking forward to our next speaker within the curATime seminar series, Dr. Laura Bindila from the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany. We invite everyone to join her seminar about "Modern lipidomics approaches for clinical and preclinical research and profiling" on April 18th, at 5 pm.

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Los geht’s - Symbolischer Spatenstich für unseren Neubau

Am 09.04.2024 hat der symbolische Spatenstich für unseren Neubau in der Mainzer Oberstadt stattgefunden. Das Labor- und Bürogebäude soll 2027 einzugsbereit sein.

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TRON is participating in the curious 2024 Future Insight Conference in Mainz

We are delighted to announce our sponsorship of the Curious2024 Future Insights conference organized by the Future Insight e.V.

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First curATime Hackathon “curAHack” in April

curAHack is an open hackathon event for young scientists, bioinformaticians and healthcare-enthusiasts to tackle research challenges adressed within the curATime cluster. Join us on April 08th -9th, 2024 at the Gutenberg Digital Hub in Mainz!

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curAEquality Award 2024

At the first curAMeet conference last week, Romina Wolz from the University Medical Center Mainz received the curAEquality Award 2024 for her outstandingly Gender and Diversity inclusive research in her curATime subproject "Role of macrophage coagulation signaling in atherosclerosis".

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curAMeet 2024

During our first curATime conference, the curAMeet 2024, we are going to bring the whole curATime network together for the first time. We are looking forward to learning about the recent findings in cardiovascular research and to listening to e.g. experts in the field of atherothrombosis, mRNAand AI at our venue in Mainz.

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curATalk seminar series

We are looking forward to our next curATalk by Prof Stefan Engelhard, the speaker of the CNATM Cluster (Cluster for Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Munich). Prof Engelhard will talk about "Macrophage-targeted RNA therapeutics" on January 15th, at 5 pm.

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Seminars in Translational Oncology

On December 5th 2023, Dr. Mark Schmitt from the Institute of Pharmacology at the University of Marburg will visit us at TRON. During his stay, he will talk about “Cellular plasticity in intestinal inflammation and tumorigenesis”.

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curATalk Christoph Reinhardt

Our next speaker within the curATime seminar series is Junior Prof Dr Christoph Reinhardt from the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany. Everyone who likes to take part can join his seminar about "Microbiota and Arterial Thrombosis" on November 08th, at 5 pm.

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Unser neuer Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer

Mit Wirkung zum 1. Oktober 2023 wurde Dr. Michael Ludorf zum neuen Kaufmännischen Geschäftsführer bestellt und übernimmt sämtliche Aufgaben im Bereich der Administration der TRON gGmbH.

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Seminars in Translational Oncology

During his visit, PD Dr. Robert Zweigerdt from Hannover Medical School will give us insights about his research on “Making and Repairing Hearts with human Pluripotent Stem Cells”.

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Mainzer Firmenlauf 2023 - Wir waren mit dabei!

Beim diesjährigen 5 km Firmenlauf waren wir mit unglaublichen 22 TRON-Läufern vertreten - das ist ein neuer Rekord! Bei bestem Wetter und mit Proteinriegeln gestärkt hatten wir sehr viel Spaß bei dem Event in der Stadt unserer Herzen.

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Application for our joint international PhD program: ATLAS - Talent Academy for TransLAtional Science is now open

ATLAS, the joint PhD program between TRON and BioNTech provides a unique chance for young researchers to pursue their scientific career in the field of translational science. The call is now open for application until October 31st, 2023.

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Seminars in Translational Oncology

Profs Carlos Fernandez-Hernando and Andres Hidalgo from the Yale School of Medicine visit us in Mainz and we are pleased to invite you to two immunology talks about their exciting work.

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TRON unterstützt den Mainzer Wissenschaftsmarkt

Als langjähriges Mitglied der Mainzer Wissenschaftsallianz freuen wir uns auf den 21. MAINZER WISSENSCHAFTSMARKT am 09. und 10. September 2023 in der Mainzer Innenstadt!

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curATalk seminar series

Our next speaker within the curATime seminar series is Dr Muhammad Nabeel Asim from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern.Everyone who is interested is welcome to join his talk "Protein Protein interaction prediction in our AI based Genomics and Proteomics Sequence Analysis Framework" on Aug 08th, at 5 pm.

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