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Neuigkeiten  /  The registration is now open: Join the “curAHack 2025” - the curATime (Bio-) Hackathon in Mainz

The registration is now open: Join the “curAHack 2025” - the curATime (Bio-) Hackathon in Mainz

2.5 days of interdisciplinary hacking, problem solving and networking -

March 31  - April 2, 2025, Gutenberg Digital Hub, Mainz

·       5 Challenges are waiting for you, check out the descriptions here

·       You will work in interdisciplinary teams

·       For each challenge, a mentor will be available supporting the team

·       The event is open to all disciplines and career levels (students are welcome!)

·       The best solutions presented will be awarded

Please register online: curATime - curAHack March/April 2025

Please spread the invitation within your research community!

We are looking forward to seeing you in spring!