NewscurATalk seminar series

curATalk seminar series

We are looking forward to our next on-site curATalks, which will be held on October 2nd. This time we welcome Prof. Laura Zelaráyan-Behrend and Dr. Florian A. Weinberger to Mainz. Laura and Florian will tell us about "Restoration of endogenous transcription factor activity by CRISPRa to prevent cardiac failure” and “Pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes for cardiac repair - pharmacological considerations”, respectively.

Prof. Zelaráyan-Behrend is leading a research group at the Institute of Pharmacology at the University Medical Center Göttingen and the Department of Experimental Cardiology at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Her group aims to understand the activity of gene regulatory networks that govern heart homoeostasis, disease and development using a combination of in vivo models, in vitro models and human data in an interdisciplinary team of basic and clinical scientists.

Dr. Weinberger’s team at the CNIC (Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research) is working on cardiac tissue engineering and regenerative therapies, in particular in developing stem–cell-based strategies to remuscularize the failing heart.

Both curATalks will be held at the University Medical Center in Mainz, Building 708, seminar room 2.

If you cannot join in person, you can also click here to join the virtual lecture via MS Teams.

curATime - Cluster for Atherothrombosis and Individualized Medicine - is our collaborative cluster for future which we initiated with the University Medical Center Mainz, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and many more partners. The cluster is initially funded by the BMBF for three years. Within curATime, we want to reduce the incidence and impact of cardiovascular diseases, which is the leading cause of death worldwide.

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