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Seminars in Translational Science

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to TRON. During her visit, she will talk about “The different facets of CD44 in gastrointestinal tumour progression and metastasis”.

Véronique is the deputy director of the Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems – Functional Molecular Systems (IBCS-FMS) and the Head of the Bio (medical) department at IBCS-FMS at the KIT. Her research focuses on the role of cell surface receptors in tumor progression and metastasis, in particular the molecular mechanisms of action of CD44 as a co-receptor for Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and G-Protein-coupled receptors in carcinogenesis. Her group further investigates the interplay between these molecules in cancer cells as well as in the surrounding stroma with a specific focus on cancer associated fibroblasts and immune cells.

We are looking forward to her seminar and to gain insights into her work.